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pH-1 micro
The pH-1 micro is a precise fiber optic pH meter. It is temperature compensated and used with pH microsensors based on a 140 μm optical fiber. A PC is connected to run the user-friendly software. pH-1 micro is additionally equipped with an analogue output and a trigger input.
Profiling pH Microsensor PM-HP5
The pH Profiling Microsensor can be used for all profiling applications in semi-solid substrates, such as sediments, microbial mats or biofilms. The PM-HP5 is the most robust version of PreSens pH Microsensors and has a close-fitting fiber guidance and mechanical interlock for precise vertical localization of the measurement tip. The sensor tip is extendable with a turning mechanism.
Manual Micromanipulator MM
The Manual Micromanipulator MM is specifically designed for PreSens needle-type microsensors (NTH). The system allows moving the microsensor vibration-free in 3 axes with µm reading accuracy. A solid base plate ensures a stable set-up of the micromanipulator and enables safely tilting the whole system up to 90° - so you can use it in any required position. With the safe-insert function the microsensor retracted in its steel needle can be securely inserted into your area of interest. The sensor tip can then be extended delicately and safely with µm reading accuracy, without risk of breaking the sensor fiber.