
What is the difference between tapered and flat-broken microsensor tips?

All the sensors mounted in different housings are available with two different glass-fiber tips, (A) a < 50 µm tapered tip and (B) a 140 µm (PSt1) or 230 μm (PSt7 / PSt8) flat-broken tip.

Advantages of micro-optodes with a tapered tip:

  • high signal intensity
  • high spatial resolution (< 50 µm)
  • very fast response times (up to 1 s)

Disadvantage of micro-optodes with a tapered tip:

  • fragile display photobleaching

Advantages of micro-optodes with a flat-broken tip:

  • more photostable than tapered ones
  • long-term stable
  • tougher

Disadvantages of micro-optodes with flat-broken tip:

  • response times in the scale of 40 s
  • lower signal intensity


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