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Enhancing Data Quality with a Partly Controllable System at Shake Flask Scale
Christian Klinger, Sylvia Baumann, Robert Puskeiler, and Alexander Jockwer
BioProcess International Vol. 10 No. 9, 2012
In biorpocess development, small-scale systems are used to identify appropriate cell lines, media and feeds before applying more expensive controlled cultivation systems at larger scales. Process development relies on data generated in such uncontrolled small-scale cultivation systems, so comparability is an issue. Shake flasks are commonly used for small-scale culture of mammalian cell suspensions. Incubators provide suitable environment with carbon dioxide (CO2) supply and humidity control and ensure sufficient oxygen transfer and homogenization of cell suspension by appropriate mixing. To match scale-up parameters, users can adjust power inputs by changing the shaking frequency and eccentricity of the shaking movement or by modifying the working volume of the shake flasks. No reliable system for automated feeding and sampling at shake flask scale is yet available, so it is necessary to take flasks out of their incubator to do so.