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PreSens' Featured System for dCO2 Monitoring in Process Development
This small CO2 meter fits in any measurement set-up. CO2-1 SMA is compatible with dipping probes, flow-through cells and non-invasive CO2 sensor spots of type CD1 (measurement range 1 - 25 % CO2). It has temperature compensation, so even in environments with changing temperatures precise CO2 measurements can be performed. This USB-powered CO2 meter is operated with the PreSens Measurement Studio 2 software, which enables simultaneous control of several devices and combination with PreSens O2 and pH meters, so measurement networks can be set up. With numerous features and additional pressure compensation, the software makes the CO2-1 SMA applicable in many applications. Optionally, the CO2-1 SMA can be expanded with 4 - 20 mA analog output (via a converter box).
Polymer Optical Fiber POF
A polymer optical fiber (POF) is needed to transfer excitation light to the sensor and the sensor response back to the meter. We offer different versions for different meters depending on their optical connector type. A POF enables non-invasive and non-destructive measurements to be made from the outside through the wall of a transparent or slightly colored container. The POF with SMA connector is compatible with meters of the Fibox, OXY-1 SMA, OXY-1 WM,OXY mini and pH-1 SMA series, as well as the CO2-1 SMA. The POF with ST connector is compatible with meters of the Microx 4 and OXY-1 ST series. Different standard lengths are offered, e. g. 2.5 m, and fibers with connectors on one or both ends are available, depending on your adapter or sensor application.
CO2 Sensor Spot SP-CD1
The CO2 sensor spots measure the partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide. The spots are fixed on the inner surface of glass or transparent plastic vessels. Measurements are then taken contactless from the outside through the transparent container material.