
News from PreSens and the Sensor-World

Ideal for Analyzing CO2 in Liquids

February 4, 2025

Based on a novel technology, which creates very stable, internally referenced measured values, the CO2-1 ST device by PreSens is especially suited for end users in academia including

e. g. photosynthesis and respiration measurements, for animal or plant physiology or water quality checks (e. g. beverages, sea water).



Submerge for an extra long time

January 23, 2025

This newest series of robust, low-maintenance OXYBase-SW oxygen probes is ideally suited for permanent dissolved oxygen measurements in environmental research, aquaculture, sewage and wastewater treatment. Our probes with replaceable sensor caps are specifically designed for long-term outdoor or submerged use – and they work extremely well in sea water.


Keep Your Cells Happy

November 14, 2024

Our new monitoring platform based on the well-proven PreSens imaging technology - the PhoxyCube together with the PhoxyPlates – is an innovative image-based reader that can measure O2 and / or pH in different well plate formats through the well bottom. It is meant for use in incubators and therefore ideally suited for cell cultures, toxicity screenings, tissue engineering and respiration…


A Highlight in 3D Cell Culture Research - Cooperation Results in New Technology for Testing Pharmaceutical

March 15, 2024

In a recent interview with BIOspektrum, Prof. Dr. Eric Gottwald from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) described the collaboration with PreSens as a highlight in the last few years of his research. The cooperation resulted in a completely new and so far, unique method for oxygen monitoring in 3D cell culture in physioxic conditions.


New Insights into Oxygen Supply in 3D Cell Cultures

December 12, 2023

Knowledge about the oxygenation status of different zones within multicellular tumor spheroids is of essential interest for tumor research. The oxygenation status may serve as an indicator for the efficacy of anticancer drugs and can help to identify and choose suitable and personalized drugs.


The Oxygen Steel Probe for Your Research - Connect OXYBase® to a CR1000X Data Logger

September 29, 2023

You don’t know yet? Our OXYBase® series oxygen probe can be connected and used with the Campbell Scientific CR1000X data logger! As we receive more and more requests from customers for an easy and reliable connection of our O2 measurement equipment to this data logger, PreSens has developed appropriate solutions.




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