
News from PreSens and the Sensor-World

Screenshots of VisiSens Plugins

VisiSens ScientifiCal Software Plugins - New Functions for Your Imaging Analysis

April 13, 2022

These software extensions for the VisiSens ScientifiCal software and the VisiSens TD imaging system will assist you in processing your O2, pH and / or CO2 images and evaluating the data.

Bioreactor with optical O2 and pH Sensor Spots exhibited at Deutsches Museum (photograph: Deutsches Museum)

Optical Sensors now Presented at Deutsches Museum

March 10, 2022

Bioreactor Exhibit Honoring Covid-19 Vaccine Development

CO2-1 ST with CO2 dipping probe DP-CDM1-ST

Measure Down to Ambient CO2 Levels with our New Device & Dipping Probes

November 30, 2021

The new CO2-1 ST carbon dioxide meter can be used with the new PreSens CO2 dipping probes, that have a measurement range of 0.02 – 5 % CO2. This makes this measurement set-up ideal for plant and animal physiology applications or analyzing liquids. The device is made for measurement of dissolved CO2 in aqueous solutions.


Perfusion Cell Culture Monitoring Using Sensor Sticks

August 4, 2021

Perfusion monitoring of cell cultures in biotechnology or medical research can now rely on easy-to-use, precise and inexpensive tools for rapid checks or continuous measurement of oxygen, CO2 and pH. The Sensor Sticks SST by PreSens comprise Luer Lock adapters with miniaturized O2, pH or CO2 chemical-optical sensor.


Green Light for Your Bioprocess Optimization

June 8, 2021

New PreSens Flask Studio software version now available for download!


Analytes, Number of Channels or Sensor Types - Create your Matching Set-up

May 3, 2021

Demanding table-top applications can now benefit from the new MCR-O1P1C1 multiparameter device or the combination of PreSens’ compact SMA devices by creating a multiparameter and -channel set-up. Control only those measuring devices with the PMS2 software that are required for the respective application.



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