
Non-invasive Measurement of Smallest Oxygen Traces

Ultra-Trace Oxygen Sensor Spot SP-PSt9

The SP-PSt9 have been designed for measurements of even smallest gaseous oxygen traces. These sensors are especially suited for material research or oxygen sensitive technical applications. The contactless read-out of the sensors allows to place them in closed chambers or systems, while measurements can be taken through an optical window. The SP-PSt9 have a measurement range of 0 – 200 ppmv oxygen, and a detection limit of 0.5 ppmv oxygen. These oxygen sensor spots are suitable for gaseous oxygen measurements only.

  • Contactless measurements down to 0.5 ppmv oxygen
  • No consumption of oxygen
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Specifications Gaseous O2
*after two-point calibration as described in the manual
Measurement range 0 - 200 ppmv oxygen
Limit of detection 0.5 ppmv oxygen
Resolution 10 ± 0.5 ppmv oxygen
100 ± 0.8 ppmv oxygen
200 ± 1.5 ppmv oxygen
Accuracy at + 20 °C* ± 2 ppmv oxygen or ± 5 %, whichever is higher
Measurement temperature range from 0 to + 40 °C
Response time (t90) < 3 sec.
Compatibility Gas phase only
No cross-sensitivity CO2, SO2
Cross-sensitivity Organic vapor, Chlorine gas
Calibration Two-point calibration with oxygen-free environment (nitrogen 6.0) and a second calibration value optimally between 100 and 200 ppmv gaseous oxygen
Storage stability 24 months provided the sensor material is stored in the dark at room temperature

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