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Secure Positioning of the Optical Fiber on a SensorVial
Vial Adapter VA-20mL
The Vial Adapter is used to attach the POF (polymer optical fiber) to a 20 mL SensorVial (special glass vial with integrated oxygen sensor foil) using a screw. It can be attached to the vial in different heights for measurement in the liquid phase and the headspace and can also be used in a water bath. The POF is available as a separate accessory.
- Non-invasive oxygen monitoring in glass vials
- Secure & exact positioning of the polymer optical fiber
- Precise sensor read-out
Respiration & Photosynthesis: Oxygen Monitoring in Glass Vials
Determination of respiratory activity is often performed for water organisms such as invertebrates, larval stages or eggs, but also for bacteria, cell cultures, yeasts or fungi. For algae measurement of photosynthetic activity is of great interest. Using our 20 mL SensorVial with an integrated sensor stripe oxygen can be measured simultaneously in the liquid sample and in the headspace. Autoclavable SensorVials for stirred and non-stirred applications are available.
Specifications | |
Dimensions | Outer ∅ 41.0 mm x 11.0 mm, inner ∅ 28.5 mm |
Connector type | Slotted-head plastic screws |
Compatibility | SensorVial SV-PSt3-20mL together with all oxygen meters with SMA connector (e. g. Fibox series) |
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