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PreSens' Featured System for Biomass, pH, O2 & CO2 Monitoring
SFR vario
The SFR vario offers online monitoring of oxygen, biomass and pH or CO2 - simultaneously. Online measured biomass data can be correlated with parameters like optical density, cell dry weight, or cell concentration. This way it is possible to get real-time information on e. g. OD600 development. The device optics can read out one oxygen and one pH or CO2 (CO2 Technical Data) sensor spots - integrated in the ready-to-use cultivation vessels - and also comprise a dedicated optical set-up for biomass monitoring. The oxygen uptake rate (OUR) can be calculated from the slope of the online oxygen measurements. The system has two long-lasting, rechargeable batteries, and is compatible with any standard shaking incubators. Up to 4 SFR vario can be controlled from the SFR vario software. Measurement data are transferred wirelessly via Bluetooth to a PC / notebook.
Clamps Universal SFS
These clamps are used with the SFR Shake Flask Reader and the SFR vario. They ensure that the sensors integrated in the SFS Sensor Flasks are aligned correctly with the reader optics. There are two additional holes in the base plate for the two knobs on the plastic SFS bottom, so the flask will snap into place. Furthermore, the clamp has a recess for the biomass optics of the SFR vario and a sideways arm that holds glass flasks with integrated sensors in the correct position above the optics.
Sensor Flask SFS
These single-use shake flasks made of polycarbonate have an oxygen and a pH sensor integrated at the bottom. The flasks are available in sizes from 125 mL to 5,000 mL volumes, with or without baffles. The sensors inside are irradiated and pre-calibrated, so the flasks are ready-to-use. The SFS can be read out with the SFR Shake Flask Reader or the SFR vario, for simultaneous online monitoring of oxygen, pH, OUR and (in case of the SFR vario) biomass. They are used with special clamps that align the integrated sensors with the reader optics.
PreSens Flask Studio
The SFR vario is delivered with a basic software, which is the control center for the device. The connection between PC and the system inside the shaker is wireless. The software can control up to 4 SFR vario simultaneously. Oxygen, pH and biomass are visualized in real-time during the entire cultivation and running measurements can be compared with former ones. The measurement data can be exported in different file formats (e.g. Microsoft Excel®) for further analysis.