
Vibration-free, Delicate and High Resolution Control for Your Microsensor

Manual Micromanipulator MM

The Manual Micromanipulator MM is specifically designed for PreSens needle-type microsensors (NTH). The system allows moving the microsensor vibration-free in 3 axes with µm reading accuracy. A solid base plate ensures a stable set-up of the micromanipulator and enables safely tilting the whole system up to 90° - so you can use it in any required position. With the safe-insert function the microsensor retracted in its steel needle can be securely inserted into your area of interest. The sensor tip can then be extended delicately and safely with µm reading accuracy, without risk of breaking the sensor fiber.

  • Safe-insert function for retractable microsensors
  • 90° tilting mechanism
  • Specifically designed for PreSens microsensors
  • Vibration-free micromanipulation in 3D
  • Fine drive with µm reading accuracy
  • Solid base plate for most stable set-up
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Microprofiling in Biological & Environmental Research

The different types of oxygen and pH microsensors allow e. g. measurements in smallest sample volumes or inside tissue. The micromanipulators should be applied whenever it is necessary to insert the microsensor safely into semi-solid samples and when exact localization and stabilization of the microsensor tip within the sample is required. Using the safe-insert function the microsensor tip can be securely inserted and localized at the exact position where you want to conduct your measurements.

Microsensor Measurements in Medical & Life Science Research

PreSens microsensors are ideal tools for medical and life science research, as they allow for precise on the spot measurement and microprofiling inside tissue constructs. The Manual Micromanipulator is the indispensable equipment in these applications for exact localization of the microsensor inside the sample and microprofiling in step sizes down to 10 μm. PreSens needle-type microsensors are used in many tissue engineering applications.

Microprofiling of Sediments & Biofilms

Together with the specially designed PreSens Profiling Microsensors (PM) the Automated Micromanipulator is the ideal tool for oxygen measurements in sediment and biofilm applications. With a free choice of step zones, travel velocities and wait times different layers inside the sample can be monitored and assessed in step sizes down to 10 μm. The software visualizes the online measurements, so you can follow gradients and identify boundaries immediately while the sensor is automatically moved inside the sample.


Compatibility Needle-type Housed (NTH), Profiling (PM) and Implantable (IMP) oxygen & pH microsensors
Dimensions 230 mm x 130 mm x 200 mm
Weight Weight w/o base plate: 1,1 kg
Weight with base plate: 3 kg
Travel range x-axis: 37 mm, fine drive: 10 mm
y-axis: 20 mm
z-axis: 25 mm
Reading accuracy Coarse adjustment: 0.1 mm
Fine adjustment: 0.01 mm
Coarse positioning x-axis: 70 mm
Rotability 360°
Material Aluminum & steel

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