
Oxygen Monitoring in Glass Vials with the SDR SensorDish® Reader

SensorVial SV-PSt5-4mL

These 4 mL glass vials have an optically isolated oxygen sensor type PSt5 integrated at the bottom. This sensor is read out with the SDR SensorDish® Reader. The SensorVials fit into a 24-well plate, which is placed on the reader for easy positioning. Due to the optical isolation, the sensor can be used at ambient light. SensorVials are ideally suited for respiration monitoring of small aquatic organisms. In combination with the Mask for SensorVials SDR-MSV24 they can also be applied for photosynthesis experiments (up to 50 % O2). The mask shields the reader optics from artificial light so precise optical oxygen measurements can be recorded. The vials can be cleaned with ethanol and are re-usable.

  • Contactless online oxygen monitoring
  • Parallel measurements
  • Re-usable
  • Respiration monitoring
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Real-time Monitoring of the Respiration of Marine Zooplankton

Oxygen consumption of 3 - 4 copepod nauplii per sample was monitored in air-tight glass vials for 6 h. The nauplii were offered phytoplankton at environmental concentrations. Feeding and faecal pellet production rates were estimated simultaneously. The respiration rates were linear and steady, thus revealing that the nauplii were neither influenced by the vessel walls nor by diminishing of food. The respiration rate was compared to literature values of other species.The higher oxygen consumption of the nauplii was presumably due to constant feeding.

Dr. Marion Köster, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Germany, Mar Ecol Prog Ser 353: 157-164 (2008)


*in H2O dest. or oxygen-free water, + 37 °C
Measurement range 0 – 50 % O2
Resolution* ± 0.4 % O2
Accuracy* ± 1 % O2
Drift* < 0.2 % O2 within one week (sampling interval 10 min.)
Measurement temperature range from + 15 to + 45 °C
Response time* (t90) < 30 sec.
Compatibility Aqueous solutions, ethanol (max. 10 % v/v), methanol (max. 10 % v/v), pH 2 - 10
Calibration Pre-calibrated
Maximum filling volume 5 mL

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